Download Youtube Thumbnail website 2020

Hey, it's faisal jan here from tech faisal where we help you Download YouTube thumbnail video to amplify your business and brand.If you are new here make sure you and all the links to everything we mention in this post.

Enter Your YouTube URL below


How to use YouTube Thumbnail Image Downloader

Step 1 : Go to, Search a video.

Step 2 : Copy the URL of the video (Example: ).

Step 3 : Paste that URL in the box given above and then click the "Get YouTube Thumbnail" button.

Step 4 : Choose your Thumbnail size and Download it.


 Download Youtube Thumbnail website 2020

Hey, it's faisal jan here from tech faisal where we help you Download YouTube thumbnail video to amplify your business and brand.If you are new here make sure you and all the links to everything we mention in this post.
Today we are talking Download YouTube thumbnail performanceand how you can easilyboost your YouTube ranking including how to access advanced click through rate data for all your videos and translate that into getting more views on YouTube.

Whether you realize this or not your download YouTube thumbnails are a critical element of YouTube ranking and video optimization.Every time your video is shown in search results or in a viewers suggested feed youTube is tracking that as an impression.Every time a video url gets clicked thats tracked as a click.The ratio of total clicks that your video gets versus the total number of times that your video is shown is called your click through rateI It great indicator that YouTube can easily use to compare your videos to all the other ones that are displaying along side it.

Why is this important | Youtube Thumbnail downloader 4k HD

Really quickly if your video has  a low click through raterelative to other videos link that are shown along side it then YouTube is likely to rank it lower in the feed or in the search results so that it can better highlight the content that viewers are clearly more attracted to thumbnail size minimum width are a big factor in grabbing that attentionand determining whether its your video that gets clicked.In this video I will be showing you how you can easily access advanced click through rate data for all your videos so that you can see whats working whats not and improve it fast.Stick around to the endbecause I will also share with you a free resource that can easily 10X your results with keyword research and YouTube SEO.

To access this data you will wanna make sure you're using the new Studio Beta.If you are seeing the old dashboard click on the new one here and then you wanna go over to Analytics.Then you just come up at the top here to Reach Viewers on this page down in this chart is the one that we are talking about you can see here our number of impressions.Then right below that is a click through rate of 5.7%.Our videos in the last 28 days have had 12.2 million impressions with 702.5 thousand views which gives us that click-through rate of 5.7%.With this number 5.7% I do wanna stress that to not be comparing this number to anyone else.This really is individual to your channel.But no matter what this number is it should be your goal to improve that conversion rate,so improve that ratio from people seeing your content to people youtube thumbnail downloader clicking download button but there really is no point where it's like,that's an awesome click through rate and thats a really poor click through rate because there is so many variables that come into play with this.If I come back up here to Overview and then come down here to Top videos let's hit See More.This is gonna bring up all the analytics and data from our top videos here.Again we are just showing last 28 days at this pointand we are specifically looking at watch time here.These fields here are customizable so if you are not seeing Impressions click-through rate then you can hit plus then go to Reach,l down to Impressions click through rate and that will bring up this column here.

If we click on the title then thats  gonna sort them by click through rate.You can see the top one here is our average,the 5.7 that we saw.Ww will  got a few videos here that have a 10 or over 10% click through rate and some of the other ones down at the bottom here are down around six.This page here is only showing our top 50 results so the top 50 results in regards to the videos with the most watched time on our channel.If you do wanna show more than the top 50 if you wanna show this data this click through rate impression databfor all of the videos on your channel then here is an advanced way to do it.If we go back up to this arrow at the top corner here it's gonna give us the ability to download either a Google sheet or into a CSV like an Excel file.We are gonna pick CSV here save it on our desktop and now when we open that up in Excel we will just spread out some of these columns here we are got our video title we have got our watch time we have got our views average view duration impressions,and video thumbnail impressions click through rate.This is the one that we are talking about you can see the click through rate the click through data showing here in Excel.The next step then is to look at your highest performing videos or the ones with the highest performing click through rates and then you wanna look for any commonalities or similarities with these top converting thumbnails,the ones with the highest click through rate,because these are the ones that are working for you and are your stand outs on your channel.Look at those youtube thumbnail downloader.What did they look like did most of them have alot of text or no text?Did they have your picture on them?What were the colors like?Were they really bright or were they more of a dull thumbnail?Whatever it is thats common amongst your top ones you will then wanna start implementing that on some of your older thumbnails as well or at least for your newer thumbnails going forward.Then you can go back through and try and update some of your older thumbnails that maybe have a much lower click through rate and see how that works.If you do try this what I would suggestis that after applying the new thumbnail that you give it at least a month to see how it goes and then measure to see if its an improvement or not but anything under that is not gonna be enough time.You could also try something totally different a brand new design or theme for your thumbnails and see how they go again this is all data driven you are able to make good decisions based on this data herethat YouTube is providing.

Your goal now becomesto increase that click through rate.If you are interested in AB testingor split testing 4k thumbnails putting up two versions and seeing which one is going to get more clicks then TubeBuddy has an awesome feature that will let you do this.Pretty much how it works is that you will as sign two different thumbnail images to the one video and TubeBuddy then will automate the restand it will serve half of those impressions or half of the times that your thumbnailis loaded to one custom youtube thumbnail downloader high quality and half to the other.After the set period of time it's gonna tell you which one was the winner which one of those had the highest amount of clicks per impression.This feature is absolutely amazing but it is only available on their legend planned which is one of their higher ones but it's definitely an awesome tool to have.Now that you've got a solid understanding of how important your youtube videos thumbnail image actually are and how to go in and interpret your click through rate data we have put together a free resource to help you out with your keyword research.This is a fast track check list that will step you through the key YouTube ranking factors to help you 10X your results and how to get the most out of your YouTube SEO and keyword research.

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